Our program is built on calving ease, high fertility & excellent maternal merit
Outside of our Artificial Insemination program (1380 head in 2019) we treat our purebred cattle no differently than our commercial herd. They all graze banked grass, swathes and standing corn through the snow for a large percentage of the winter. Purebred cattle may be worth more money than commercial cattle, but if your purebred herd cannot perform under the same conditions you expect from your commercial herd, then they have no genetic value.
Every year each cow is weighed and scored on feet (front and back), udder, teat, and temperament. This totals nearly 15,000 measurements on our cattle each year. This provides us with a clearer picture of which genetics are working and enables us to eliminate the genetics that don’t work.Black Angus
Ole Sodack 156U
Ole Chloe 4D
Ole Queen 206W
Ole Vernice 179B
Ole Merle 666Z
Ole Tami 701B
Ole Persephone 754Z
Ole Bird 139X
Ole Quincy 201B
Ole Lovemere 350A
Ole Rose of L 479A
Ole Persephone 430A
Ole Merle 710B
Red Angus