Welcome to Ole Farms

Red & Black Angus breeders at Athabasca, Alberta, Canada

Cattle bred for the ability to ‘Graze through the Snow’. At Ole Farms we are focused on profit over production. Meaning our program is built on high fertility and calving ease cattle with good maternal merit.

We select and breed our cattle to be deep, thick and easy fleshing with sound feet and udders and then we subject them to tough ranch conditions.

Our cows are not pampered. They must work for themselves. We have built a herd of easy fleshing cattle that graze all winter and hold condition.

Currently, Ole Farms runs 250 Commercial females, and a 1,500 Registered Black and Red Angus breeding females, along with a 1200-head feedlot. Ole Farms also produces cereal, forage, and pasture crops. Ole Farms Ltd. is currently operated by Kelly and Anna Olson, and their son and his wife, Graham and Leslie Olson.

Get in touch.
We would love to hear from you.


Breeding Philosophy

We commit to these values everyday at Ole Farms

  1. The two most important factors in Western Canadian beef production, are weaning percentage related to cows exposed to bulls and winter feeding costs.

  2. We select for high fertility, calving ease with good maternal merit and the ability to graze through the winter and get bred back.

  3. Our herd NEVER have their feet trimmed, and we do not trim sale bulls hair before our sale. We think it is important that you see them in their natural style.

  4. Our industry is far too focused on production, we are focused on profit.

  5. Our cattle are not pushed, pampered or picked over.


Annual Going to Grass Sale

Bull Sale

February 17, 2025


Keep up to Date!

Everything on the cattle industry, ranch management and breeding tips. Follow along with the Ole Farms Blog!